Amy Knightly
Director of Marketing & Communications – NZStory
Amy Knightley, Director of Marketing & Communications, NZStory
Amy is the Director of Marketing and Communications for New Zealand Story, whose purpose is toprotect, enhance and promote Brand New Zealand to expand Aotearoa New Zealand’s reputationand value internationally. With a background in senior brand, marketing and communications rolesacross both private and public sectors,Amy brings a broad perspective having worked for globalorganisations in both the UK and New Zealand. She’s an advocate of using insights, storytelling andworld-class creative to shift perceptions and enhance consideration.Amy is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Starship Foundation, which fundraises for NewZealand’s national children’s hospital. With proud links to Ngāi Takoto, Te Waiohua and Tainui-Waikato, Amy is passionate about achieving healthcare equity for all New Zealand children,particularly in Māori and Pacific communities.